How To Repair And Improve Your Office Security After A Break In Attempt
Having a break in is one of the worst experiences for a business owner. The sense of security suddenly disappears and you’re not sure about the amount of damage you’ve incurred. It might be a good idea to look for a Philadelphia locksmith to change the locks as soon as possible. After evaluating the loss, the next question would be what to do afterward. The steps you take will ensure that you are not a victim of burglary again. The sooner you start working on the security strategy, the better for your business.
Break In Damage Assessment
This should be the first step in rebuilding your office’s security. You should investigate what has been stolen or damaged and the impact it could have on your business. Did the thieves get away with sensitive information of the business which could be costly on the hands of competitors?
Assessing the extent of the damages will also help in claiming insurance as a result of the loss. It is also recommended to an analysis of the shortcomings of the security system that was in place so that you can improve.
Treating Commercial Security
You don’t have to get the most robust security system to safeguard business property. Commercial security is about the vigilance of those responsible. A security system will be of no use if those people working in the office disregard it. The commercial security system is only as effective as the way it is treated by the parties involved.
Strengthening the Defenses
There is obviously a weakness with your security system if burglars managed to break in. It is crucial to find these vulnerabilities in your system so that you can improve on them.
It could mean changing your locks and investing in effective surveillance systems so that you adequately address the weaknesses in your office security.
Fortify Access Points
The burglars must have used an access point during the break-in. Commercial buildings have a tendency of focusing on just a few access points while completely neglecting the rest. This ultimately weakens your overall security in the long run.
During the assessment, you should consider all the access points when doing the reinforcing. Offices are different and the access points for one may not be the same for others. There are offices with front and back doors while others have multiple entry points. Any access point can be compromised and should be fortified.
Fortify Perimeter Security
The perimeter security is your first line of defense. Any burglar should be discouraged even to think about entering the premises once they see the perimeter security in place. Invest in surveillance cameras that are conspicuously placed in strategic places of the business premises. Make sure the blind spots are highlighted and fortified. Depending on the size of your business, you could also invest in security and manpower just for extra safety. This is important if your business is on a large property. If you need help addressing the security of your commercial property, you should invest in the skills of a professional Philly locksmith like Kingstone Locksmith. You can learn more about our full list of services at
Kingstone Locksmith
5343 Chestnut St Unit 1
Philadelphia, PA 19139
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