Unlocking Doors Without A Key

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Kingstone Locksmith of Philly Shows Homeowners How To Open Locks Without The Key

If you’re reading this, we hope you’re locked out from your house or office and not planning to commit a felony.  Knowing how to unlock a door can come in handy in some situations. You might not have the time for looking for lock replacement in Philly. You could be locked out of your room because of a lost or broken key. What do you do in such a situation when you need to immediately access your room?

Other than the fact that is a handy skill to have, you will experience fewer lockouts in your home or office.

Why You Should Learn Lock Picking

We are creatures of habit but sometimes these habits make us complacent and rigid to change especially when faced with new challenges. Knowing how to unlock doors will always come in handy as you will always be prepared for such situations.

Getting A Lock Picking Set

It is recommended you have a lock pick set within reach especially if you’re always opening doors on a daily basis. Don’t put it together with your keys as they can all get lost together. The perfect lock pick set should include a broken key extractor, tension tools, slide-on grips, and a protector. You can always have it in your car just in case you lose your other set of keys.

With the set, you can pick your way into a house and even a car. The set can open padlocks, auto locks, doorknob locks, and even deadbolts. If you don’t have a lock pick set, you can use bobby pins as an alternative.

Bumping Locks

Bumping locks don’t always sound great because most homeowners associate the technique with burglars. Used in the right way by the right person, bumping a lock can help in gaining access without a key. The only caveat is there are homeowners who have secured their doors against bumping which is a good thing.

Lock bumping requires a specific set of tools to work. For example, you will need a bumping key. This is not the conventional key and technically speaking, you will be unlocking the door with a key. The key is designed to exploit the driver pins inside a tumbler lock. The technique will only work if the bumping key matches the keyway of the lock. At the exact exertion and torque amount, the door will be unlocked without a key.

Using A Credit Card

You’ve probably seen it in a lot of movies and think it is just a popular prop. It should be noted that this technique might not be effective for high-security locks and deadbolts. You have a chance if the door is made from simple latch locks. With this method, you’re targeting the slanted bolt to forcefully retract the latches. The material you’re using should be sturdy enough to withstand the force. For more information and tips, you can always visit https://midnightblue-ostrich-490928.hostingersite.com/.


Kingstone Locksmith

5343 Chestnut St Unit 1

Philadelphia, PA 19139



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